Video Content Marketing: Case Study for our Water Treatment Client Kemco Systems

Showing how our clients solve their client’s problems

We produced this video for Kemco Systems to showcase a project they completed for Arrow Linen Supply CompanyWatch the video to see one of the many ways we create content for our clients, such as water treatment companies like Kemco. Click the button below to see the full webpage we made for Kemco Systems.

Kemco, in the water treatment industry and Arrow Linen, in the laundry industry, partnered together to meet the new wastewater discharge compliance requirements in Nassau County, NY. Kemco proposed installing a ceramic microfiltration and reverse osmosis system to solve Arrow Linen’s problem. In the end, the solution provided arrow with recycled water at 72% and allowed them to reduce water and gas usage as well as chemical costs.

Through video, we told the story of their partnership. We presented Arrow Linen’s problem and Kemco’s ability to solve it. In addition, we showed how Kemco was the best water treatment company for the job. We did this by including testimonials from Arrow Linen’s Chief Engineer expressing his satisfaction with Kemco’s work. 

Our Video Content Marketing Process:

When producing a video like this for our clients, like water treatment companies, we first create a plan.  We determine the message we want to convey to viewers and prospects. We ask, what story are we telling? What is the purpose of it?

Next, we gather information and details on the project. We then include supplemental images as b-roll to enhance the audio with visuals. Then, we gather interviews, such as testimonials from our client’s clients. Next, we write the script. After that, we edit the piece together with video, text, voice over, images, interviews and music. 

Once the video is complete we do not stop there. We pair our video content with additional written content. This can come in the form of a blog post with the purpose of promoting the case study. We upload the video to Youtube and optimize it so that it is found easily through search. And if our client does not have a Youtube channel we will create one! Many times we will use the blog copy and video content in social media posts and email marketing. We want to tell the story in as many ways as possible and through different channels to reach diverse audiences that consume information in a variety of ways.  

Our Work with Kemco Systems:

Kemco Systems is a water treatment company out of Clearwater, FL with a location in Houston as well. Kemco has trusted us to manage their marketing processes for years. We redesigned and developed their website and currently assist them with SEO, email marketing, content marketing and more.

Content Marketing comes in many forms. Sometimes we write simple web page copy, many times we draft articles or blogs with educational guidance and tips, and other times content is in the form of pictures, infographics and videos. Content marketing provides entertaining and educational information to customers and it also boosts search engine optimization. For water treatment companies like Kemco, we find case studies to be very beneficial as they showcase how a client’s problem was solved. We like to highlight these stories with a variety of different forms of content to be reach the customers and prospects of our clients, which will then increase leads and sales. 

Have any questions about the different types of content marketing we do? Contact us to learn more.