Listen To This Informative Podcast On Search Engine Optimization By Clicking On The Link Below.

Click here To Listen To The Search Engine Optimization Podcast For Beginners.

This podcast is from David McBee with Internet Marketing Insights. In this Podcast David interviews Kevin Pike about Search Engine Optimization for beginners.


Also, below is part of an article from Entrepreneur Magazine on Search Engine Optimization best practices.

Because search engine optimization (SEO) best practices and procedures change all the time, business owners should conduct periodic assessments to determine whether or not adjustments need to be made. If a business website isn’t properly optimized for search, it’s most likely missing out on a significant amount of traffic from the search engines, including from potential customers.

Perform An SEO Audit!

Begin your SEO audit by asking the following questions. Identifying weaknesses in this area could provide an easy place to begin future website improvements:

  • Are my title tags (headlines) written to appeal to both website visitors and search engine visitors, or are they “keyword stuffed”?
  • Do my title tags contain relevant SEO keywords and brand mentions?
  • Are my title tags no longer than 65 characters?
  • Do my meta description tags (which display a preview explanation for a page in search results) provide interesting content that will appeal to viewers of search engine results?
  • Does each page on my website contain a naturally written, keyword-rich <h2> tag (headings within posts)?
  • Does each page on my website include high-quality, original content?
  • Do my pages contain internal links to facilitate visitor and search engine robot movement throughout my site?
  • Are my images optimized according to current SEO best practices?

If you have questions about SEO Audits or Internet Marketing for b2c, b2b or b2g fill out the form below or call us at 301-337-8135 or send email to

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You can read the entire article by clicking here:


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