1. To make all of this work you need a mobile-friendly, user-friendly website, preferably a Word Press website, that is easy to update and change.
  2. Over a planned period of time (for one year and then ongoing) you need to create 24 documents that are about 1000 words or more each. Those documents need to address the top 24 questions people have about listing a home. Those questions would be related to things like… Why you should fix up the home before you sell, what should you fix, what should you do yourself, how you choose an agent and other questions that are the top questions people ask when they are listing their home.
  3. Those pages are then added to the website and they are optimized so that over time they are found by search engines as well as website visitors.
  4. You need to build an email database and master mail database with every client or prospect you currently have. That list needs to be updated regularly.
  5. The articles and sections of those articles are then used for email marketing, social media, and direct mail.
  6. You need to claim and optimize Facebook, LinkedIn, Google +, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. You then need to aggressively post to your social media accounts. You can’t start and stop, it needs to happen regularly.
  7. In addition to posting parts of these articles to your social media accounts, you also need to consistently post new listings, recent homes sold and other important announcements.
  8. In addition to posting what is mentioned above, you should share third-party information that is relevant to everyone in your social media stream. That might include home-improvement ideas holiday decorating tips and other articles that are a gentle interest to homeowners.
  9. There are good opportunities to buy social media ads on Facebook, LinkedIn and the other social media platforms.
  10. You should also have a YouTube channel with videos that explain each of the articles.
  11. The website needs to be set up with a tracking code that tracks visitors when they come to your site.  That code is used to send remarketing banner ads and messages to each site visitor as they travel across the internet.  As an example, someone comes to your website, they then visit a Lexus website and see a banner ad that showcases your company. That is remarketing.  You might create banner ads that show properties you have for sale or a link to an article with a checklist for sellers that outlines what they need to do to prep their house for sale.
  12. You should also have a customer review program set up digitally records reviews and that shares those reviews across all social media channels and your website.

There are a lot of things that can be done, but the key is to do them.  Experience tells me that companies don’t have the discipline or understanding of how to do most if not all of this. They try to tackle it themselves and never do anything.