“Content is King.” It can’t be overstated. The success and failure of your marketing efforts rest on how you create and use content for marketing.
Content is the driving force behind customer interaction and company growth. First, to understand the importance of content in the marketing process, we need to look at how it is used as a communication tool. Great marketing companies effectively use content for their websites, PPC advertising, social media and email marketing, and print promotions.
Types of Content:
Key #1 – Communicate Your Message to Your Various Audiences
Content Marketing comes in many forms. When deciding what type of content to create, remember that we all learn and consume content differently. Some learn better through images and graphs, some like to read, and others prefer audio and video. Effective communicators today realize that all people are different. Therefore, if you want to be successful, offer various ways for your audience to consume your content.
For example, create and post a video to your website. Then, transcribe it for those that like to read. Finally, use it in email and social media marketing, alongside graphs, charts and other visual aids.
Creating a Content Marketing Plan:
Key #2 – Great Content Drives Relationships
If you want people to pay attention to what you are doing you must create valuable and relevant content. Great content solves problems for clients and prospects. As a result, it drives everything from lead generation all the way down to sales and revenue streams. To illustrate, here is an article we created for a client’s website.
Different forms of content include articles, infographics, video or any other tool that solves problems. Properly written content engages clients but also makes it easier for search engines to find you.