Cable Television and Online Advertising a Strong Partnership
Cable Television and Online Advertising Cable Television and Online Advertising Make a Strong Partnership for lead generation and branding. To improve the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns you must practice Integrated Marketing! It is important today to make sure you connect your online message with your offline brand. All your messages should say the same thing and optimally they should work together with social media to drive on-line interactivity! In this example we used Cable Television and Online Advertising to generate leads and drive brand awareness. We ran commercials on Comcast Spotlight Cable TV and Local Radio stations to drive leads to a call center and on-line. The integrated marketing plan included testimonials in a produced Cable TV commercials, a high profile personality driven radio campaign on News and News Talk stations. The on-air personalities successfully drove over 500 prospects on-line to receive more information. Your integrated marketing approach should use landing pages that contain special on-line discounts, a special promotional opportunity, video tutorials, social media connections and other educational information [...]