
Landing Page Design and Lead Capture

A landing page is any webpage that someone lands on after clicking on a call-to-action link.  The visitor might arrive from clicking on an email link in your newsletter, an article that is published in a partner publication, a link from a social media post, from a pay per click banner ad, or an app link connected to an event or from a website address that is featured in a traditional print advertisement or a letter.  The landing page might house information about a special offer to sign up as a new member; it might offer access to valuable content that they can’t get anywhere else, or maybe special offers for courses offered in the Learning Management System.  Landing pages play a critical role in the marketing of any business because they communicate specific offers and messages to your audience.  They help you build your marketing database by collecting email addresses and starting new relationships with potential new members. They can also be very effective in expanding existing relationships by offering [...]

Marketing Tools and Choices for Promoting Your Brand

There are many choices to be made when selecting the best marketing tools to use when executing your marketing strategy.  Below is a partial list of some of the most frequently used marketing tools.  We will go into some of these in depth later in this outline. The Bridge the Gap Media team, has expertise in delivering everything listed below.  During our marketing strategy design period, we will choose what tools we should use and then outline a plan and timeline to use each. When looking at this list, please keep in mind that most everyone responds that they want to do everything on the list.  While the reality is that you should eventually do most of the items listed below, most small businesses don’t have the budget or ability to execute all at the same time.  It’s like remodeling a 30-year-old home that has never been renovated.  You have to prioritize what needs to be done now, assess what is within your budget today and then build your plan to [...]

Marketing Trends

Any effective marketing program should consist of using tools and strategies that are current. You should constantly be looking for impactful ways to communicate your message to your audience.  Below are some of the new trends we see in marketing communication. If you want your company to stand out from all the clutter, you need to stay current and fresh with how you are delivering your message. Website design.  Your website is your most valuable marketing and business development asset.  You only get one chance to make a first impression.  What does your website say about you?  Does it accurately represent your brand to clients, customers, vendors, investors, and prospects?   Key trends in website design include bold, aggressive design with bold typography that will help you stand out from your competition.  Mobile first design is also a must and your website better be easy to navigate whether you are on a mobile device or desktop.  Visitors want the information they are looking for quickly.   As we saw in 2018, [...]

Lead Generation Seminar Case Study

Real Estate Consulting Services and Integrated Marketing Approach Drives 350% Increase in Leads These Leads Will Generate Over $5,000,000 in Increased Revenue! While This Strategy was Created for Real Estate Lead Generation, The Following Strategy and Tactics Will Work for any Business That Needs to Drive Leads and Brand Position.  For Companies That Target Other Businesses and not Consumers, we Would use LinkedIn for our Targeted Paid and Unpaid Social Media Marketing.  If you Want to Compete Today, you Must Have an Integrated Marketing Approach! Client Challenge:  For Over 40 years, this nationally ranked real estate broker has represented sellers and buyers in the super competitive Bethesda, Chevy Chase, Potomac and surroundingMontgomery County market.  For more than three years they have offered free educational home seller’s seminars.  The seminars have been a tremendous source of leads, but over the last year attendance has fallen off dramatically.  In addition to needing to improve seminar attendance, the broker needed to revamp their online strategy and brand position. Solution: We were hired to work with their existing internal team [...]

10 Reasons Why Companies Budget For Outsourced Marketing Support

Here’s Why Companies Add Outsourced Marketing Consulting To Their Annual Budgets We compiled the below list and information from various sources including our observations from working with many businesses over the years. Since founding Bridge the Gap Media in 2009,  we still find that owners and company executives are very confused about marketing.  The more significant problem for most companies is that the person managing the marketing doesn’t understand what to do.  They don’t understand all facets of marketing let alone how marketing ties in with your website, revenue generation, sales, digital media, and business development. The marketing communication world continues to change at a rapid pace.  Because there are so many ways to market your business today, rarely can a company manage all their marketing efforts without outside help.  If you want to grow, you must have a multi-talented marketing leader on your team or hire an outside firm to lead your marketing growth strategy. Having a comprehensive online marketing presence is no longer an option, it's a must-have! 10 Reasons You [...]

5 Content Marketing Key Steps To Successfully Building Your Online Brand!

Below Is A 5 Step Content Marketing Process We Use With Many Of Our Clients. We Use Traditional Media & Online Marketing To Drive Brand Engagement & Revenue! Click On The Links Or Images Below To See How We Recently Executed The 5 Content Marketing Steps For A Client. Do these 5 things consistently & you will build your brand, share & revenue! The 5 Content Marketing Keys: 1. A Website that is engaging with educational content marketing and a responsive design. 2. Content that people want to read, download and share. 3. An Email Marketing plan that shares your brand and thought leadership with your audience. 4. Social Media followers that care about your product. 5. A revenue generating plan to follow up on data and analytics on who has opened, clicked and shared your content. These are your key customers. Key #1 - A Website That Looks Great On Mobile Devices It All Starts With An Interactive Content Driven Website That Looks Great On Mobile Devices! For Hospitality Construction [...]

What’s Wrong With My Online Marketing Efforts

We've seen many things change over the last decade in the world of sales and marketing. Clients are genuinely confused on how to manage their company efforts in this changing digital world! Most of the time, we see companies with outdated websites, no or limited social media presence, no email marketing plan and no plan to communicate with relevant content to help consumers through the buying process. For others, we find their marketing and sales efforts are put together in a scattered and ineffective manner. Typically, the online marketing process is organized and managed by inexperienced employees, interns, vendors with limited sales and marketing experience or in some cases there is nobody managing the online presence. These are the main reasons online efforts fail. Where do you stand? Your online brand is too important to let any of this happen. Your REVENUE growth is dependent on how you BUILD your online brand and how you manage CHANGE within your organization. If you need help, we would love to share some success [...]

National Institute of Standards and Technology – MML Division

Recently, Bridge the Gap Media was hired by the National Institute of Standards and Technology MML division. The NIST, Material Measurement Laboratory was looking for a vendor to develop a website and to build a custom PDF that would deliver the division’s 5 year strategic plan. Some of the goals and other specifics about this project were: Create a website and PDF that would properly represent MML’s brand, vision and mission. Help lead organizational change and create excitement by creatively delivering the NIST MML brand message. Partner with a vendor that had been in web development and the communications business for a minimum of 5 years. Build the website on a mobile friendly platform, so it would look great on all devices, including mobile phones, tablets and desktops. Incorporate contemporary standards of design and usability in both the website and the PDF Develop the website on an intuitive content management system for MML’s staff to easily update. We suggested multiple options and eventually built the site on Drupal, which they were [...]

Video, Content Marketing and Social Media

Below is a link to a website page and a link to a video we created for one of our clients. This showcases how we create video, content marketing and social media that work together to drive website traffic, brand awareness and ultimately sales. Video, Content Marketing and Social Mediasales. We created the video, promoted the case study, built the website landing page and created a social media strategy for Bond Water Technologies to promote their products and services. While this business is most likely different from yours, the concept and strategy is still a very relevant example of how to create content to use for both sales and marketing. Using Video, Content Marketing and Social Media together to drive brand awareness and sales. Here are the highlights of how this is being used: 1. The following link will take you to the landing page we created to house the information on the website http://bondwater.com/daf-issues-chemicals-that-reduce-bod-tss-fog/ 2. The video and landing page are optimized for search engines. Try typing in [...]

Convert PowerPoint To Video

Success with sales and marketing today is about creating online content that helps solve your prospects' problems. In this example, we convert PowerPoint presentations to video for lead generation and education. Below is a great example of how we converted PowerPoint presentations to video with a free tool called RZ Video Converter. Our client, Bond Water Technologies, spoke at an industrial conference on how their customers could improve efficiencies and save money by using one of their products. Once we figured out how to convert PowerPoint presentations to video, it was then our job to figure how to best use the new tool. The new video, complete with complex animations and music, was used across multiple online and traditional marketing channels to promote the product. Why Did We Convert PowerPoint Presentations To Video? Ultimately, For Lead Generation! The video is being used the following ways... As part of a targeted email marketing campaign to thousands of customers and prospects. We added the video to our Youtube channel and optimized it so [...]

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