Case Study For Business Consulting & Broadcast Revenue Strategy

$3.5mm to $13mm Revenue Increase From Sales/Marketing Business Reorganization

Client Challenge: This group of radio stations in Washington DC was in desperate need of sales and marketing business consulting, they had lost their focus. Revenue had dropped off dramatically over the last few years and the company was losing money on the stations. The market was very competitive and re-building the brand and trust in the market would be a challenge.

Strategy/Goals: First we performed our business consulting processes and assessed the condition of the internal operation and personal. We assessed the sales staff and account list structure, we looked at marketing messaging and positioning and then we met with key clients and prospects to formulate a plan to move forward. Our goal was to grow revenue through reorganization and by creating the brand position of “Washington DC’s Sports Leader”.

Results:  Over a 4 year period we grew revenue from $3.5mm to $13mm. That 371% increase delivered a more efficient operation and net operating income growth of 256% over the last three years.

Business Consulting and Broadcast Consulting Plan & Execution

Below is the strategy/process we used to grow the radio stations.

  • Built and implemented strategic plan to consolidate and reorganize three radio station staffs into one team.
  • Reorganized account lists and instituted account list management system.
    Worked with team to design all presentation processes for sales to top level clients and agencies.
  • Instituted numerous systems and controls to improve communication and accountability.
  • Designed and executed an aggressive sales plan to teach government contractors how to use radio to market to the Federal Government.
  • Created Internet Marketing and Non-Traditional Revenue programs to increase local direct to client revenue.
  • Recruited, trained and developed staff of 12 salespeople and sales managers.
  • Implemented sales training programs on customer focused selling for sellers and managers based on CSS, Gallup and Franklin Covey.
  • Built Sports Marketing sponsorships that utilized programming and merchandising for the Washington Redskins, Baltimore Orioles, University of Maryland, Washington Capitals, Washington Wizards, University of Virginia, Navy and Army.

If you would like more information on Business Reorganization or Radio Consulting Services fill out out the form below or call us at 301-337-8135  or send email to

Learn more about us by  clicking here.

See the stations new home here