The following is an appropriate re-post from Thayer Media. It’s about the power of Radio. So much of our marketing today focuses solely on lead generation. While lead generation is ultimately what drives sales, many companies are missing the branding and integration part of the equation. If you don’t pay attention to building your brand and you focus only on lead generation you are missing the boat. You’re reducing what you market to a commodity and realistically you’re playing in a world where he with the lowest price wins. That’s not a sustainable advantage and not how you want people to look at your product or service. The post talks about AIDA, which stands for Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action. Does all your current marketing accomplish this? Most likely not, I would bet that you are focused solely on Action and you’re missing the opportunity to create Awareness, Interest and Desire…If you buy Radio properly it is targeted, emotional and it delivers a passionate audience that is willing to hear why you are different. Most importantly it has a huge impact on all your other marketing. Sure radio will generate leads, but don’t overlook how it drives your brand value, search engine activity, landing page activity, web site activity, social media interaction, search results and ultimately your lead generation. There are still huge opportunities with radio today but you need to use it correctly and it needs to be integrated with everything else you do.

RADIO (from Thayer Media)The Sales Funnel, AIDA: Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action. Memorize it. Use it like mad. It’s the sequence (no shortcuts) that moves the consumer to action. We love radio because it pumps up the middle of this equation like no other media, building interest and desire on the way to sales.Why

  • You can get emotional. It’s you and your radio. Alone, together. The intimate media. Precisely why radio can shoulder an emotional message and grab the heart of your audience.Numbers and demographics: In one week, 94% of People 12+ are listening. And 77% are listening for at least 122 minutes. Broadcast radio reaches 79% of Adults 18-34 for more or less 104 minutes (who told you they weren’t listening?) Its reach is highest (84%) among adults with advanced degrees and household incomes of $100k+.Google Analytics reports showed us a clear rise in visitors to the client website when the radio was running. And from that comes conversions.